Si vives en California, sabes que las averías o accidentes inesperados de un vehículo pueden ocurrir en cualquier momento. Cuando se producen estas situaciones, es crucial contar con una empresa de remolque fiable que pueda transportar tu vehículo con seguridad hasta su destino. Sin embargo, con tantas empresas de remolque en la zona, puede resultar difícil elegir la adecuada.
In this blog post, we will discuss six essential factors to consider when selecting a reliable towing company in Ontario, CA, to help ensure that you receive the best service possible in case of a vehicle emergency.
1. Comprueba la licencia y el seguro
El primer paso para elegir una empresa de remolque fiable es confirmar que tiene licencia y seguro. Por ley, las empresas de remolque deben cumplir unos requisitos específicos para operar en California. Comprobar si tienen una licencia válida garantiza que la empresa ha cumplido estos requisitos y ha seguido los pasos necesarios para operar como un negocio legítimo. Además, es esencial elegir una empresa de remolque con cobertura de seguro adecuada para protegerte a ti y a tu vehículo en caso de daños o accidentes durante el proceso de remolque.
2. Busca experiencia y reputación
The next thing you should consider when choosing a towing company is their experience and reputation. An experienced towing company will have the necessary equipment, skills, and expertise to tow your vehicle safely. You can check the experience of the towing company by looking at their years of service and the types of vehicles they have towed. You can also read online reviews and ask for recommendations from family and friends to gauge the reputation of the towing company.
3. Disponibilidad y tiempo de respuesta
When you need a towing company, you want to ensure that they are available and can arrive at your location promptly. Therefore, it’s crucial to choose a towing company that offers 24/7 availability or has extended hours to meet your needs. Additionally, check the company’s response time to ensure they can arrive at your location quickly. Quick response times can reduce your wait time and get you back on the road faster. Some towing companies may also offer GPS tracking or other alternatives, allowing you to track the progress of your tow truck and have a better idea of their estimated time of arrival.
4. Servicios ofrecidos

Las distintas empresas de remolque pueden ofrecer distintos tipos de servicios. Algunas pueden estar especializadas en el remolque de larga distancia, mientras que otras pueden ofrecer sólo remolque local. Es fundamental elegir una empresa de remolque que ofrezca los servicios específicos que necesitas. Además, algunas empresas de remolque pueden ofrecer servicios adicionales, como cambio de neumáticos, arranque y cierre patronal. Elegir una empresa que ofrezca estos servicios adicionales puede ser beneficioso en caso de que los necesites en el futuro.
5. Precio de los servicios
El coste de los servicios de grúa puede variar mucho según la empresa y los servicios prestados. Es importante obtener un presupuesto de las empresas de remolque con las que contactes antes de aceptar sus servicios. Asegúrate de que el presupuesto es detallado e incluye todos los costes, como las tasas de enganche, las tasas por kilometraje y las tasas adicionales por servicios como el cambio de neumáticos o el arranque.
Nota: Desconfía de las empresas de grúa que ofrecen servicios a un precio mucho más bajo que sus competidores, ya que pueden tener cargos ocultos o prestar servicios de baja calidad.
6. Atención al cliente
Last but not least, customer service is an important factor to consider when choosing a reliable towing company. A reputable towing company will have friendly and knowledgeable staff who are willing to answer any questions you may have. They should also have a clear and concise communication process and keep you informed throughout the entire towing process. Good customer service can make all the difference in a stressful situation.
Your Local Towing Company
At Foglesong Towing, we understand that vehicle breakdowns and accidents can happen at any time. That’s why we offer reliable towing services that you can count on. With over 30 years of experience in the towing industry, we are committed to providing the roadside assistance, towing, and overall excellent service that our customers in Ontario, CA, and the surrounding areas deserve.
Our team of fully certified tow truck drivers has years of experience, and we strive to be your go-to towing provider. We are focused on customer service, safety performance, and integrity, and when you trust us to tow your vehicle, you can rest assured that it will be well taken care of. As a woman-owned towing business, we guarantee professionalism and quality services.
Whether you’ve locked your keys in your car or been involved in an accident, we are here to help. At Foglesong Towing, we take pride in offering high-quality towing services to our customers, and we are always ready to assist you with any roadside assistance needs. So if you ever find yourself in need of towing services, don’t hesitate to give us a call today. We are committed to providing exceptional customer service and ensuring that your experience with us is stress-free.